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subsequent operation中文是什么意思

用"subsequent operation"造句"subsequent operation"怎么读"subsequent operation" in a sentence


  • 后步工序


  • Its effect on the subsequent operation is twofold
  • Object . all subsequent operations associated with the transaction for example , committing or aborting the transaction , are performed on the
    对象执行与该事务关联的所有后续操作(例如提交或中止该事务) 。
  • Object . all subsequent operations associated with the transaction for example , committing or canceling the transaction , are performed on the
    对象执行与该事务关联的所有后续操作(例如提交或取消该事务) 。
  • A data medium on which preliminary items of data are present , the remaining items of data being entered during subsequent operations
  • To minimise the risk of arresting the wrong persons during subsequent operations , the investigation team finally settled on a photo identification parade
  • Where these shadow volumes intersect other objects ( or the caster , since self - shadowing is supported using this technique ) , the stencil is updated , allowing subsequent operations to differentiate between light and shadow
    当这个体积覆盖了其他的物体的时候(包括投影体自身,进而支持了自投影技术) ,这些被覆盖的物体上面的模板缓存会被更新,在之后的操作中会根据这些模板缓存的结果来渲染光线和阴影。
  • Subsequent operation by the officers led to the further arrest of another 19 - year - old man and the seizure of a voice simulator , believed to be used in making the extortion calls , in the flat in tsim sha tsui last night . the four men arrested for conspiracy to defraud are still being detained by the rcukw for questioning
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